Viewing and Exporting Subscriptions and their Details
How to view subscriptions and their status, origination date, customers and other details
The subscriptions tab in the Awtomic app is the starting point for viewing all of your subscriptions. From this table, you can see the subscription ID, customer, next order date, and status of the subscription. Clicking in to any item will show you the details of that subscription.
You can also filter by status either by using the tabs at the top of the table, or the subscription status drop down. Subscriptions will only show in the "No Inventory" tab if you have the inventory setting set to delay orders when inventory is out of stock.
You can use the "Order date" filter to filter by order date and get an idea of how many orders you have coming in the coming day, week or month.
You can sort by order date, ascending or descending. The search bar will work for looking for any customer name or email or subscription ID.
Finally, if you'd like to see more details in one view about your subscriptions, you can use the Export button to export a CSV of your subscriber data, including shipping addresses, subscription frequencies and product names.
Updated 10 months ago
In the next section we’ll cover all the ways you can use this details page to support customer inquiries or requests.