Bulk updates

Bulk updates allow you to modify several subscriptions at once. This allows you to quickly make edits across all or some of your subscriptions.

To execute a bulk update, you'll need to consider the following: (1) which subscriptions you want to update, (2) what you want to update, and (3) when you want the update to occur. Our tool helps make this easy and intuitive.

The bulk update tool can be initiated from the "Bulk updates" button next to the "Export" button in the subscription list, or by selecting specific rows, and then using the contextual buttons that appear on the row that shows the count of how many subscriptions are selected.

Starting from the "Bulk update button" in header

If you click on the "Bulk updates" button next to the "Export" button, you're first presented with a list of "Queued" or "Historical" Bulk updates. This is because we keep a log of every bulk update that has process, as well as any that is currently scheduled or queued to be processed.

To create a new bulk update from this page, you must first click on the 'Crate bulk update' button at the top right. Then you can follow the steps below to execute the bulk update

Starting from the "selected" rows

If you click on the bulk updates buttons that are revealed from the selected rows you will end on the same place as the other method. This simply allows you to be more specific about which rows you'd like to execute the bulk update on if you want to only specify a few. Another benefit of this method is that the bulk update type is prefilled out on the following page.

Running a bulk update:

Regardless of which method above you picked, you're now presented with a form which allows you to run or schedule the bulk update. The form is organized into 4 parts:

  1. "Subscriptions to update", which always you to specify which subscriptions will be affected by the bulk update.
  2. "Bulk update details", which allows you to specify what type of bulk update you'd like to run.
  3. "Schedule", allows you to select "now" or sometime in the future to run the bulk update.
  4. "Confirm and run" is simply the confirmation step of the bulk update tool.

Important: If you selected rows or applied filters on your subscription list, those attributes are carried foward on the bulk update tool as options in the "Subscriptions to update" section. For example, if you applied a filter for subscriptions containing "Product A", the "All subscriptions matching your search and filters" will consider this filter. Alternatively, if you selected speific rows, the "Selected" option will be selectable.

Step 1 - Subscriptions to update

  • If 'All subscriptions' is selected, all of the subscriptions from your shop will be attempted to be updated.
  • If "Selected" is chosen, only the rows that have been specifically selected will be updated.
  • If "All subscriptions matching your search and filters" is chosen, any subscription that was visible after the filter or search term was applied will be updated.

Step 2 - Bulk update details

This step allows you to choose which type of bulk update you'd like to run. This option may be preselected for you if you trigger the bulk update from the selected rows option. In any case, you can switch the update type with the dropdown selection found in this step.

A contextual form appears depending on which update type is chosen. For example, if you want to "update status" to "Active", we'll try to reactivate any Cancelled, Paused, and Failed subscriptions but require a scheduled billing date. This is why we ask for a billing date as part of this update.

Each update type contains important information in the blue banner below it. This is because each update is unique and requires specific considerations. For example, setting subscriptions to "Active" will ignore existing Active subscriptions and Expired subscriptions from your specified selection. It's important to read this banner to learn about any limitations that may be applied to the update.

Step 3 - Schedule

This section allows you to specify when the bulk update is going to occur. You have the option of selecting "now" which will start the bulk update as soon as possible or a time in the future.

If you select now, it may start soon after finalizing the form unless there's already an actively running bulk update. In that case, we will queue the bulk update to run as soon as the current process finishes.

If you schedule the bulk update in the future, we will run it on the date and time specified. This provides you with a lot of flexibility on future updates if you need.

Step 4 - Confirm and run

This section allows you to take a final look before running or scheduling your bulk update. It gives you a rough estimate of how many subscriptions will be impacted, which update will occur, and when it will be executed.

We have an optional "Require confirmation..." checkbox which will give you an extra step of protection against issues that may occur with bulk updates if you need the added peace of mind. When this option is selected, we won't run the bulk update until someone on your team has downloaded a list of subscription IDs and has checked another confirmation step before running the process. Note that if you select "schedule" in step 3, you cannot also select the "Require confirmation" option. This is because scheduling and CSV confirmations are incompatible.

What to do next?

Now that you've submitted a bulk update, we'll navigate you to the bulk update list within the "Queued" tab. This is where any queued or scheduled bulk updates appear. At this point, you don't need to take further action unless you select the optional "Require confirmation" option discussed above.

Once the process is complete it will appear in the "Historical" tab. This is where you can see all of your completed bulk updates, including completion status, and the ability to export a report. If there were any errors while processing, you may see a "partially complete" or "error" badge. Clicking on the row will provide you with additional information.

As always, feel free to reach out to awtomic support ([email protected]) if you need assistance or have questions about bulk update!