Migration process from another Shopify app

The high-level migration process from another Shopify app

Pre-Migration Process

Before migration, Awtomic's support team will review your current subscription data to ensure a smooth transition and identify any potential issues. Here’s what you need to do:

Migration Process

Once we have everything we need and a migration date is set, the process is straightforward:

  • We’ll perform the migration during off-hours to minimize any impact on your customers.
  • Migrations typically take a few hours, depending on the size and complexity of your data. Migrations for over 30,000 subscriptions should budget a few days for the full migration.
  • After completion, we’ll notify you and provide any necessary follow-up instructions.
  • If possible, we’ll cancel your previous subscription platform to prevent double billing.

Post-Migration Process

  • To avoid charges from the legacy platform, we recommend uninstalling the app after exporting any necessary data.
  • Customers will receive notifications from Awtomic going forward, but not at the time of migration. The migration will upgrade their subscription management experience but not otherwise disrupt their experience.

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